
Tattoo Aftercare

At  Inkaholics Brentwood, we like to keep in touch with the customer throughout the healing process. So, if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to send us an E-mail or Whatsapp message with your query and some pictures of the tattoo or concern. Your skin is different from others, so please listen to your artist's recommendations. The advice we give is specifically for your skin. Over the years, we have noticed a strong link between the healing process and the elasticity of the skin. The more elastic your skin is, the better your chances are for a quick and easy recovery. Your skin's characteristics can influence the way your tattoo heals, so we came up with custom aftercare that corresponds to your skin and the job you do.

First, wash your hands thoroughly. Remove the cling film after 4 to 5 hours and don't reapply a new one. Wash your tattoo with water and soap (like Dove or similar). Do not use antibacterial soap, shower gel, shampoo, or bath sponges. Rinse the soap away thoroughly. Pat it dry only with clean paper towels. Don't use toilet paper or bath towels. After washing your tattoo for the first time, make sure you leave it to air dry for an hour or two. While you air-dry it, be extremely careful with it. Don't lean on it, and don't let anyone touch it with dirty hands.

After one to two hours, you will start feeling your skin get a bit tight and dry. That is normal. That is what we are trying to achieve here. Now wash your hands again, and take a tiny drop of the aftercare cream or bepanthen ointment and rub it gently until the surface of the skin or tattoo is moisturized. You can apply the cream whenever you feel your skin tight and dry, but don't overdo it. Wash your tattoo twice a day (mornings and evenings) for at least 4 days.

Important advice

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before proceeding with the aftercare.
  • Do not pick the scabbing, as this will lift the color out of your tattoo and cause patchiness.
  • Do not soak your tattoo in the bath until all the scabbing has fallen off.
  • Do not swim in any waters (sea, pool or sauna) until all the scabbing has fallen off.
  • Do not cover your tattoo in a thick layer of cream. Too much of it will cause complications.
  • Allow your tattoo to dry before reapplying the cream.

Good Luck!

Piercing Aftercare

Clean Hands: Always start by ensuring your hands are impeccably clean. Wash them thoroughly
with antibacterial soap to minimize the risk of introducing bacteria to your healing piercing.
Cleaning Solution: Your professional piercer will recommend a suitable cleaning solution,
typically a sterile saline solution. It's crucial to use this or any other solution they provide, as
they're specifically designed for piercing aftercare. Avoid alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and other
harsh chemicals, as they can irritate the piercing.

Gentle Cleaning: Dip a clean cotton swab or a sterile gauze pad into the saline solution. Gently
clean the area surrounding the piercing. Make sure to carefully rotate the jewelry to allow the
cleaning solution to reach the inside of the piercing. Do this with a gentle touch to avoid
unnecessary irritation.
Rinse with Warm Water: Following the cleansing process, rinse the area thoroughly with warm
water. This step is crucial for removing any residual cleaning solution, as well as any crust or
discharge that may have accumulated on the jewelry or around the piercing.
Pat Dry: Use a clean, disposable paper towel or sterile gauze to pat the piercing and the surrounding
area dry. Avoid using regular cloth towels, as they may carry bacteria.

Avoid Excessive Moisture: During the healing phase, it's essential to minimize moisture exposure.
Steer clear of pools, hot tubs, and natural bodies of water. If your piercing gets wet, ensure
it's properly dried as soon as possible.
Clothing Choices: Choose clothing that is clean, loose, and breathable to prevent irritation or
snagging on the piercing. Tight or constrictive clothing may hinder the healing process.
Hands Off: Refrain from touching the piercing or twisting the jewelry, except when necessary for
cleaning. Touching the piercing with unwashed hands can introduce harmful bacteria, potentially
leading to infection.

Avoid Cosmetics and Lotions: Avoid applying makeup, lotions, or creams directly on or around
the piercing. These products may contain contaminants that can disrupt the healing process.
Oral Piercings: If you have an oral piercing, such as a tongue or lip piercing, follow specific aftercare
instructions provided by your piercer. Using an alcohol-free, antimicrobial mouthwash after
eating, drinking, or smoking is often recommended. Gently rinse your mouth, moving the jewelry
to help clean the piercing.
Healing Time: Pay close attention to the recommended healing time given by your piercer.
Healing times vary depending on the type of piercing, but it's essential to be patient and follow
their guidance.In some cases, piercings can take 1 year or more to fully heal, and throughout
this entire period, you should continue with the appropriate aftercare

Signs of Infection: Be vigilant for potential signs of infection, such as persistent redness,
excessive swelling, unusual pain, or discharge with a foul odor. If you notice any of these
symptoms, contact your piercer or a healthcare professional without delay.
Jewelry Changes: Do not attempt to change the jewelry until your piercing has fully healed.
Consult your piercer for advice on safe jewelry changes.

Remember, proper aftercare is a fundamental aspect of your piercing's healing process. If you
ever have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to your professional piercer for
guidance and support.

Important reminders

  • Clean Hands
  • Use Recommended Solution
  • Gentle Cleaning
  • Rinse Thoroughly
  • Pat Dry
  • Minimize Moisture
  • Choose Suitable Clothing
  • Hands Off
  • No Cosmetics
  • Respect Healing Time
  • Watch for Infection
  • No Jewelry Changes